Nobody really cares if you don’t go to the party
Negging is the ability aid of the romantically handicapped
You don’t have to be friends with people you don’t like
You can say you’re going to do something and just not do it
You will not die if you don’t spiralise
It really does not matter how many people you have slept with
You are not a failure or a terrible person if you haven’t done everything on a Buzzfeed list
Your mum was right
You can always quit
If they don’t smell right, it’s doomed
Making your bed every day is a short-cut to good self-worth
If you didn’t go out you still existed
There is no exact weight that equals happiness
Even when it happened it wasn’t the end of the world
You’ll get over him
People in activewear are just as terrible as the rest of us
Anything could be the next avocado
If you don’t know what you wanna do, go back to the things you naturally gravitated to as a child
Don’t bother with ‘skin care’ beyond keeping your face clean, humankind has existed without it for thousands of years
Written by Jess Bird and Mattie Curtis
Illustrated by Helen Walker